At 12:23 PM 8/7/01 -0700, Dipperstein, Michael wrote: >Here in Southern California, it's commonly pronounced like dumber. I hope >that >helps. :-) > >Just for the record, the 'b' actually sounds like a second 'm' in both cases. > >Mind you this information is coming from somebody that spells his last >name with >an 'e' preceding an 'i' and no 'c' in sight. Not only that, but the 'e' is a >long 'e' and the 'i' is silent. I before E Except after C? Man that's just weird. -- Dave's Engineering Page: I would have a link to here in my signature line, but due to the inability of sysadmins at TELOCITY to differentiate a signature line from the text of an email, I am forbidden to have it. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.