Those who have access to the UK originated magazine Electronics World (used to be Electronics and Wireless World) may like to check out the September issue for a couple of articles on Microchip products. First one is on making a bar code reader (or more correctly decoding the bars read from a wand) using a 16F877, complete with a hex code listing. Gives a basic feel for how bar codes are decoded using UPC and EAN-13. Hex listing also available from the author by email. Second article is on using Microchip Keeloq devices in code hopping applications. I have not seriously read this article yet so cannot comment on its content. American folk may be able to find this magazine in Barnes and Noble if these interest you. I believe I saw an issue of it in B & N in Redmond City CA a few months back. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.