> Could very well be. Either that or they figure any more than > that and the security droid will get a crick in his neck trying > to watch it - you never know what you'll get sued for! 8-) > > Dale US Dept Of Health And Safety (Workplace) Section 4, Subsection 12(e) "Standardisation of surveillance, security and other types of closed-circuit camera systems - methodology" (The dusty poorly-lit sub-basement of a Tallahessee office building) Have a seat here Mr Matthews (nervously) Can I call my wife ? Maybe later if you're up to it Eh ? Watch the screen please Mr. Matthews. At all times maintain a zero angular differential between the subjects in view and your normal physiognomological orientation Should I do that instead of trying to keep them upright ? Please be quiet Mr Matthews. Or we'll give you something to make you quiet. We can do that you know. We have badges in our wallets that say so (aside to co-worker Scott - Damn DrugCo rejects) OK, Mr Matthews, we're starting the test now. Let go of the arm-rests please Mr Matthews. Scott, start tilting the camera. whiiiirrr kalunk buzzz 30 degrees 35 degrees 40 degrees You're doing very well Mr Matthews. Er, armrests ? Sorry. I don't feel so good Stop being a baby, soon be over 50 degrees click clank motor straining buzzzzz whirrrr 55 degrees She's breaking up, I canna hold her !!! I need more tilt Scotty, gimme all you got !! That's all there is !!! I must have more power !! Turn off the Coke machine !! I'll try - but I canna give ya what I havena got !! 60 degrees clunk clunk clunk ching splinter creak Mr Matthews is very red Suits him, how are we doing ? 62 degrees You're a trooper Mr Matthews (aside, whispering - I don't think he can hear me anymore) 63 degrees SNAP !! groan Omigod, he's........ Mr Matthews ? (shake shake) Mr Matthews ? MATTHEWS !!!! He's gone Yup (sigh. Claps hands). Right, let's get that label printed. What was it Scotty ? 63. 63 stinking degrees for a man's life. What a waste Think of those who'll come after him Scotty. And the countless hordes of otherwise unemployable zombies we can keep from clogging the courts. OK, let's see. "Do not rotate more than 63.... Make it 70 70 ? Scotty, you make my day sometimes. "Do not rotate more than (giggle) 70 (giggle) degrees from (giggle) vertical" (tentatively kicks Mr Matthews' lifeless body). I love this job Yeah. C'mon, burgers, my treat Maybe after we should go see Mrs Matthews You're not getting to the top with that attitude Scotty Thursday ? Monday -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu