I got a spam last night that automagicaly sent me to a web page, and even spawned an additional browser window to add insult to injury. Having had enough, I went to www.google.com and typed "microsoft outlook script disable" and found this in hit #7 " From: Ben H. (ben*no s p a m*@apl.washington.edu) Subject: Re: Disabling vbs attachments in Outlook Express Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie5.outlookexpress View complete thread (11 articles) Date: 2000/05/05 ... Outlook Express 5.0: 1.. Start Outlook Expess 2.. Click on the Tools in the main menu, and select "Options" at the bottom. This brings up the "Options" window. 3.. In the Options window, press the "Security" tab. 4.. There are two panes within the Security window: the top is "Security Zones" and has two options: 1.. Internet Zone 2.. Secure Zone 5.. Click the button next to Restricted Sites Zone. If you happen to try to open an attachment that turns out to be a worm like the "I Love You" worm, you will now get a warning that you are trying to run a script, and you can click CANCEL to prevent it from running. However, I'd recommend doing one more thing that will simply disable the script's presence and threat entirely! Increase the security of your Restricted Sites Zone so that it ignores Visual Basic Scripts (all e-mail attachments with problems are either executable programs (i.s. filename.exe) or a Visual Basic Script (i.e. filename.vbs). The problem is that the Visual Basic script can be hidden inside a regular e-mail attachment, or the filename extension may be hidden, so additional precautions should be taken. Here's how! 1.. Start Internet Explorer 2.. Click on the Tools menu item and select Internet Options to bring up the Internet Options window 3.. Click on the Security tab 4.. Click on the red icon labelled Restricted Sites 5.. Press the Custom Level button at the bottom. This brings up a window with various settings in it. 6.. Scroll down until you see the heading called "Scripting". 7.. If subheadings are not visible right under it (i.e. Active Scripting, Allow paste operations via script, Scripting of Java applets..) then just double click on Scripting to make the subheadings appear 8.. When you see the entry called Active Scripting, press the Disable setting (the settings are right under it, labelled Disable, Enable, and Prompt). 9.. Press OK at the bottom 10.. Press OK in the Internet Options window If you've done both these things correctly, you will not be able to get infected by this worm nor any other copycat worm since they requires scripts to be run in order to do damage, and you've completely disabled that feature. Believe me, turning it off will not change your life much, Microsoft only has it turned out because it makes money selling Visual Basic compilers. " Don'cha think M$ knows better than to permit malicious code from running on a computer? I swear M$ engineers must have tried every way to back up and re-install software, and in each case found some clever little way to force you to re-install using their program disk. I use to use a CVF and found they plugged that 'hole' by killing doublspace/drivespace in FAT 32. One day one of their employees, or perhaps a 'patriotic' FBI agent is going to sell the list of all the security holes the NSA has paid Micro$oft to put into their software to an enemy. Then once again our government and industry will learn how treachery often backfires. Scott **************************************************************** Freedom is pursuing your carrot, not running from a stick. The mob only rules what its members are allowed to achieve. Physics - the manifold ways the odds always get even... **************************************************************** -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics