> Could somebody send me an example of a (simple)working CCS C source > program for a F84 (RS232 maybe)... > ...but can't seem to get anything working with CCS C. Well, I've got lots of working CCS C programs, but none for the F84 or with RS232. You're welcome to send me (direct) what you've got that isn't working, and I can tell you if it's something obvious. Also, is it a problem with the development environment, or getting the program to compile, or getting a compiled program to run properly, or ??? Let me know if you would like to see something more complex, but here's a real simple program that will blink an led attached to RC7, for a chip (16F876) and crystal (10M) I've used: 5V --> led --> 750 ohm --> RC7 #case // makes compiler case sensitive #include "c:\picc\examples\16F876.h" // set configuration bits: #fuses HS, NOWDT, PUT, NOPROTECT, BROWNOUT, NOLVP, NOCPD, WRT #byte PORTA = 0x05 #byte PORTB = 0x06 #byte PORTC = 0x07 #bit LED = PORTC.7 void INITIALIZE(void); // prototype #use delay(clock = 10000000) // 10M clock void main(void) { INITIALIZE(); while(1) { if (LED) LED = 0; else LED = 1; delay_ms(500); } } void INITIALIZE(void) { // set RC7 as output (and high) // since rest are unknown, set as outputs (and low) setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS); PORTA = 0; set_tris_a(0); PORTB = 0; set_tris_b(0); PORTC = 0b10000000; // init LED off set_tris_c(0); } -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads