Some of the admins have seen about enough as well. Can't this be handled off-list? I think it lost its general appeal several messages ago. Dale > No offense guys, but I don't want to see the PIC list turned into a > TechTools support list. I don't know what the admins think of this, but it > is starting to annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I think some amount of > discussing bugs/features of products PIClisters might use is a good thing, > but this thread has descended into irrelevant details for most of us long > ago. It's also not fair to vendors to air their dirty laundry so publicly. > Yes, I know, all products have bugs and individual cases don't mean > anything. However, I haven't been reading the details but am, perhaps > unfairly, left with "TechTools = bugs" in the back of my mind as a result of > many messages on this subject. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.