Hi Guys, There are a bunch of (possibly mad) individuals that mess with lots of high voltage stuff on the net.. Do a search for "Exploding Wire" and that should get you going.. Basically you need a big HIGH voltage (5KV?) cap, charge it to several thousand volts and discharge using a spark gap to dump the current into a small wire.. Kilojoules of energy are not to difficult to achieve. Also, while your wasting the rest of you day marvelling at what some of these people are doing have a look at some "Can Crusher" stuff :) Some of the can crushers are "switched" by dropping a sacrificial piece of copper into a spark gap which then vaporises it.. BTW: Yes this is mind bogglingly dangerous. Don't try this at home kids. :) Ash. > Perhaps one way would be to use two steel rods with a > bead of copper between their ends (like a spark gap) > and zap. The tricky bit might be getting adhesion of the > copper vapour to the ceramic. Hey, if it worked it could > be a neat way to put your own logo onto a chip -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu