I wasn't going to start this yet, but since someone started talking about digital cameras, I couldn't resist. I am photographer doing mostly large format. The cost of a commercial digital back for a 4x5 camera is about $25k +/-. I did some poking around Kodak's site for CCD's, but cost for quantity 1 is also outrageous. So I was just wondering if anyone could suggest a good starting point. Doesn't even have to be PIC based (outrage! I know) but CCD to USB of some sort would be fun to do. Looking for a CCD project that doesn't involve a huge chipset to implement that could be used as a learning stepping stone to a higher end color project for the camera. Also wanted to make it modular enough to use for astrophotography as well, but that's more opto-mechanical than EE. Are there CCD interface standards or does every vendor dream up their own? -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body