You may have noticed going up and down like a jack in the box today... ...I installed a new 45 GB IBM hard drive to replace the original failing drive. This means that the server will be more reliable and I have lots of space to host homepages for members. The WYSIWIG editor (for IE 5x users) really makes it a snap so get on the site now! The really good news is that due to some recent and very generous donations by Nik, Tony, Dmitry, and Adam Davis and a windfall in my personal life, I'll be ordering an entire new server with the RAID array, faster processor, more memory and better UPS in the near future. --- James Newton, Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 VM 1-208-279-8767 FAX PIC/PICList FAQ: or .org -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.