Hello, I'm relatively new to the PIC scene. I want to use a PIC16F870 to measure the rpm of a rotating shaft (0-15,000rpm). There is a passive speed sensor in the shaft that puts out a sine wave whose frequency is proportional to shaft rpm. The amplitude of the signal increases with increasing speed. The max. voltage of this signal is 70V peak-peak. I'm using PIC Basic Pro to program my PIC. I'm thinking about counting the number of pulses over a specified amount of time (measured using TIMER0) and converting to rpm. Of course I'll have to do some averaging and stuff like that. Extreme accuracy is not important. +/- 5% would be fine. I'm assuming putting a 70Vp-p signal to one of the digital I/O pins would be bad? How do I get around that? Just a simple voltage divider? What's the voltage range the I/O pins can handle and still register as a HIGH or LOW? Any comments on potential pit falls or better ways to do this would be appreciated. Thanks, Gary -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.