> I was thinking of writing a compiler for PIC uCs > so I was curious if you guys think another programming language would > be a good idea.. Note that that's two statements: I want to create a new language AND I want two write a compiler! I do not want to discourage you too much, but try to get an idea of what you are getting yourself into. My compiler (Jal) is now about 14k lines of C (total lines, incl. blanks and comments), but it is still quite primitive compared to for instance a full C compiler, does not even come near to targeting all PICs, and I am still not satisfied with the optimizations. But it is fun! Maybe you should consider contributing to the SDCC project? But if you really want to jump into this we might have some nice talks about language architecture, compiler writing, the horrors of efficient PIC code generation, avoiding stack use, etc. Wouter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu