Matt Pobursky opines: >>If the "evil empire" is smart, they'll already have LED lights designed and be >>ready to sell LED lights in volume at a significantly lower cost than the >>"little guys". However, history has seemed to show that the "evil empires" will >>drag out the current technology until every last penny of profits has been >>extracted from the consumer (regardless of the consumer's desire for a better >>product). There are a few exceptions to this, but for the most part it's the >>common operating philosophy for large corporations. They don't adapt to change >>very well as they are slow and inefficient to make such changes. That's one take, and a popular one out there. I like to think that what Matt refers to a "evil[s]" are none other than citizens of Corporate America and occupy places that I [we] have invested the savings from our 403s and mutual fund investments. And as such, those empires have sole responsibility to us shareholders first. That *is* our system. Note, corporations are not entrepreneurs, that's the sword for many of you to take up. Make that better mouse trap and the world will knock, po$$ibly beat down, your door. Note 2: Many corporations by being large and multi-national in scope, are not expected to fastly change, nor take up ad hoc causes. But many do come around so as to "please" market conditions and shareholders in common. Finally, [and note 3] lacking a "Devine Will," they're about the best we have for getting our goods and services to our tables. Agree? Peter / PIC Newbie -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads