Montaigne, Mike - NRC wrote: >I posted a basic question recently re: request for sample programs for the >12CE67X processor. Getting no sample programs from the newsgroup, I asked >Microchip for some help and got some excellent assistance to get me started >from support person Brent Walters. > >> I would like to make a comment. With the 'tons' of information available >> on the PIC, it is very frustrating to me to be unable to get what I think >> should be simple information without having to do what I did - go and >> bother Bret Walters with a question I should have been able to find out >> for myself. ........... Mike, you make a very good point. It is partly in response to your observations that I recently posted the suggestions that I did - repeated below. best regards, - dan michaels ========================= PART OF ORIGINAL FOLLOWS: ............. You know, in retrospect, I wonder whether the piclist community hasn't totally gone off in the wrong direction here. Instead of offering disembodied code segments and pushing for open-source universal programmers which entail months and months of work, maybe we would be better served if we concentrated on the following: 1 - "Complete" running example programs for ALL the standard PIC controllers that would contain a good mix of the common operations - interrupts, RS232, A/D, I2C, timer fcns, command processing, etc. This would really make it easy for newbies to get into any PIC of their choice. Download a completely working source file, assemble, program and go - rather than grab a bunch of disembodied code fragments written in several different dialects. 2 - "Tools" - small, complete, and verified utility programs that perform certain targeted functions, like I2C and SPI EEPROM read/write, RS232 comms at all baud rates to test links, programs to exercise/test proto h.w., etc. These tools could be offered as both source and/or hex, and people could download them and program into a PIC and have them running in a matter of minutes. They would only need be available for about 3 cpus - '84, '873/876, '877 - covering major pinouts. They would have already been verified by others, and known to work properly. We seem to have both ends of the spectrum discussed a lot on piclist, but where is the middle ground? Maybe it's here somewhere and I haven't found it. ........ -- hint: To leave the PICList