At 8:58 PM -0700 7/3/01, Jeanette Eya-Zeissig wrote: >Hi, ....... Hi John, I'm in the same boat, and have come to the same conclusion. I'm using Kevin's software with a Warp-3 programmer. It will program the 'F8xx parts by setting it for an 'F84 part, but is not able to get the 'F8xx parts out of LVP mode, and will only allow the 1st 1k words to be programmed. How about another, perhaps not so sophisticated, but, open source enough to modify, assembler/programmer for the Mac. All you have to do is build a very simple board with an 'F84, and learn some HyperCard. <- web page <- file url The file contains a documentation file with schematics for the programmer, PIC Assembler/Programmer HyperCard stack, and firmware listings for the 'F84. The HyperCard stack software is all accessible if you have the HyperCard software. If you have just the player then Francis has included a handy button that prints all the scripts, but you won't be able to modify them, Which will be necessary. My thoughts are to learn enough about hypercard to modify the configuration parts to allow for the more sophisticated configuration options of the 'F8xx parts. The other feature built into Kevin's code is a memory limit check. Since Francis' doesn't have this check it doesn't need to be modified for the additional memory of the 'F8xx parts. Now I haven't built the programmer, and not used the software but it all seems doable. This may be the solution your looking for, Heinz > It would be except for the fact that I do all my development on >Apple computers using Kevin Coble's MacPIC software, a shareware assembler >with simulator that supports several popular programmer boards. Its a great >piece of work and a real bargain, but it does not support the new parts. >About a year and a half ago Kevin seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. >His website is still there, and I assume you could still download MacPIC, >but e-mails to him go unanswered. So, after this amount of time I must >conclude that upgrades of this fine program have ended and the F87X chips, >etc. will never be supported. For me this means switching to a completely >new development system, hence my e-mail to this list. > I want to solicit opinions on the most cost effective development >system for someone like myself, who: > 1. Writes only in MChip assembly. > 2. Would have to acquire a laptop (preferably) or a desktop system >to serve pretty much as a > dedicated PIC development platform. > 3. Has no problem putting together some kind of programming board >compatible with the > assembler he winds up with. ...... -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body