>Why is the section of my original message missing that >describes that I observed a *significant* change in the >current waveform between full cycles of 60 Hz line being >appled to a lamp versus what I obeserved when using a >diode in series with the same lamp? Well, I actually did miss the point, as you suggested, and for several reasons. One is the way I handle messages. I don't always pay 100% attention, since there are so many messages to read. Another is that I generally read all the messages in a thread before I write a reply. In this case I knew that somewhere, someone had done some actual measurements but I didn't remember who. And in my haste to trim the quoted part I didn't notice that it was you. On the other hand, what you reported was about the way the filament cooled. My question was about how it heated. They're related but they're not the same. Also we both seem to think you get a half-cycle for cooling. I think for turn-on-at-zero you get a quarter cycle the first time. Further, if we look at what you said here, >describes that I observed a *significant* change in the and compare to the actual quote, >With a diode in series one can actually see a distortion in I know it could be splitting hairs, but one implies "Yeah, you can see it" while the other implies "Wow! It's obvious!" It just didn't sound like that big a difference to me. Remember people are claiming a 60W bulb eats 1KW on the first cycle... I wasn't questioning your results and I don't question that your bulbs are lasting longer. But I was looking for some evidence about the turn-on. If you were able to measure the current you should be able to see the large inrush current when it's turned on, and tell us some interesting things about that. Still wondering, Barry -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.