I have some limited experience with the 16F84 but need to do a project with the 12C67X chip and I am trying to find some simple examples of code to help me get started. I have searched Microchip and the web and last years messages from this news group but have not learned the secret of finding programs relating to a specific processor line yet. If anyone can help me get started, it would be greatly appreciated. I have started trying to write a program to read pin 7 (A-D value between 0-5V) and output either the upper 4 or lower 4 bits on pins 2, 3, 5, & 6 using pin 4 as an upper/lower selection input. I thought this would give me a good start learning how to set up I/O with the chip. I'll worry about interrupts, timers, EPROM etc...... later. tks in advance Mike Mike Montaigne Neutron Program for Materials Research Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences National Research Council c/o Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Station 18, Chalk River Ontario, K0J 1J0, Canada Email: montaignem@aecl.ca Phone: (613) 584-3311 Ex:4005 Fax: (613) 584-4040 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.