> Unfortunately Texas Instruments has a patent on drawing 3-D > images on a spinning helix. I was royally pissed to discover > this in the late eighties because I'd prototyped it years earlier That is such a PITA. This past week I've been helping a person Russell MacMahon put on to me. One of my suggestions to him was to go to IBM's patent database and look around. And there it was - his idea, a done deal by someone else. Comprehensively sewn up too. It's a position I've been in many times, not a great start to the day but there is a finality, if an unpalatable one On the subject of companies with resources, there's a TV series on at the moment called Better By Design. Two men look at existing products and see what they can do to improve them. Something most of us do from time to time. With infuriating ease when they want something made, like a component or model, they just throw money at it. I'm sure hauling along a TV crew is no impediment to them getting what they want either. For example they had the Lotus engineers make them shopping trolley wheels for god's sake. Lotus engineers ? I try to imagine what that costs -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics