Robert, Many of us learned PCB design by doing it. Here is how I started, and it's not a bad way to learn. Fist start simple. Get an etch resist pen from Radio Shack, and a PCB etch kit from or . Make a simple little circuit, like a doorbell buzzer or a LED flasher, something trivial. Design the circuit on paper, then attempt to draw it onto your copper board with the etch resist pen. Make a big dot at each componet lead, etch the board, and drill it out. Assemble your circuit, and stick your thumbs in your overalls when you get it working. (Mine the PICLIST archives for everythign you want to know about etching a board) VERY SOON you will see why I quit using etch resist pens 25 years ago. But it is a very instructive exercise, and will help you understand some of the issues in laying out a board. Us old geezers all learned this way, and skipping all the basic steps will probably leave you confused. So you want to get a copy of Eagle for free. IT comes with tutorials in the HELP section, and is generally pretty straightforward. Play around with it, take the tutorials, and ask dumb questions here and on Cadsoft's support board. Plan on spending several evenings learning the basics of the program, and a month learning the subtleties. It's not really that tough. Eventually buy a Lite version for $50 so you can get a manual. All modern PCB layout software is based on two automated processes for producing etched boards - Gerber photoplotters and Excellon automated drilling machines. You will see the term Gerber files bandied about, that's what they are referring to. The Gerber file is an ASCII file that drives a photoplotter. When you work with an actual board house for prototypes, this is what they expect from you. At home you'll be plotting on a laser printer. Ask all the dumb questions you want on the PIClist, we love 'em. -- Lawrence Lile ----- Original Message ----- From: "R Zitka" To: Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 12:08 PM Subject: [EE]: PCB design Hi all, I would like to learn how to do PCB designing and how to use PCB design software for projects I intend to make. Robert Zitka -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body