I am having a very are time trying to get RA4 on a 73 to work as digital I/O. What could be the problem? Here is my snipit of code that should work but does not. I am using the Hi-Tech C compiler, 7.83 or so. My real program is much larger then this and actualy does something but I need RA4 as an I/O pin. I have tried 6 or so differnt chips and they all do the same thing. Any ideas why this does not work? void main() { char TogelBit; OPTION = 0xC7; RBPU = 1; // Disable pullups on inputs, need to have put downs on them. T0CS = 0; // RA4 is an I/O pin ADON = 0; // Turn off ADC unit ADCON1 = 7; // Set Port A pins as I/O pins // Set the ports TRISA = 0x00; PORTA = 0; TRISB = 0xFF; TRISC = 0xFF; TogelBit = 1; while(1) { RA4 = TogelBit; if(TogelBit == 1) { TogelBit = 0; } else { TogelBit = 1; } } } -- Roy Souther 01100010 10101110 11000110 11010110 00000100 10110010 10010110 11000110 01001110 11110110 11001110 00010110 10010110 00101110 10000100 10000100 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.