Dale Botkin wrote: ......... >> Understood - still gives me the willies, as I like to build in some >> kind of basic "guarantee", at the level below the uC. Some of us >> like to live our lives a little further from the edge ;-). > >Sure thing... if you've got any bright ideas I'm open to suggestions. 15 >rows of LEDs, 16 LEDs per row, variable brightness, and they've got to be >fairly bright when cranked up. Other than dissipating a boatload of power >at the transistors or somewhere else (oh, did I mention limited space and >a harsh environment?) I couldn't come up with an acceptable alternative. > Dale, just a couple of thoughts. I would hate to rely upon the uC putting out a specific duty cycle as the primary means to keep a system like this from smoking. Other possibilities [maybe you have these implemented or they are not feasible, given your particular reqs]: - fuses, or better yet [I think] polyswitch resettable fuses. - arranging the loads on the drivers [MOSFETs, ULN, ...] so that the driver could not run an excessive current through the LEDs; ie, configure LEDs in series columns and parallel rows - although this may overload the driver in normal ops. - adding a small R [say 0.1 ohm] in series with the power source to sample load current, and feeding to an independent shutdown ckt [separate from the uC]; this should only add a few components and could save a lot. best regards, - dan michaels www.oricomtech.com ======================== -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu