When it comes to heating, we all have very different customs around this world. Her in Denmark, we pay 25 cent pr. kWH for the electricity. We live in brick houses with double windows and heat the house with wood. (Imagine my South African/Canadian, 100 pound wife stacking 12 cubic meters). In Canada we pay 3 cents pr. kWH for the electricity. We live in cardboard houses with open windows all year around and heat with electricity. It is on a thermostat so you don't have to touch it at all. In OZ they have switched winter and summer to save heat. With this kind of innovative skills, they should have switched the mouse with a 'roo by now. You put your hand into the pocket and you can even fondle a tit instead of a button. ozzie, ozzie, ozzie, oy - oy - oy Kent > Hi guys, it's feeling VERY wintery here now, > my right hand is cold (mouse hand) and my right > wrist feels the cold, almost mouse-rsi at times. > > Left hand is ok on my lap or in my pocket. > > So anyone know where to get a heated mouse pad? > Mmmmm. Warm! :o) > > Maybe I just invented it? Probably could use > one of those small thermal pads under the mouse > pad, or I could thread some fine resistance wire > through the mousepad foam underneath. > -Roman > -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu