> 1. A rigorous formalised framework of investigation, forming theories, > predicting outcomes, testing the theory against reality to find it's > flaws, forming (hopefully) improved theories and then repeating the > whole process ad infinitum to extend the frontiers of knowledge. I for one have been rather distressed by the "rigor" used in science fair sorts of things these days. Seems like "they" have insisted on careful application of a formalized scientific method, and as a result removed all the fun and wonder... I'd rather have a kid make a Van de Graf, tesla coil, robot, computer, rocket, etc, etc - things that really "hook" people, than a carefully rigorous study of something boring... But then I've long since decided that engineers aren't scientists, anyway, and I definately fall into the 'engineer' catagory. BillW -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.