Hey, I've been looking for a nice, simple oscillator to use in my projects. My last one, a 16F84 project used a 4MHz full can style oscillator, didn't use any caps on it, and it was a fairly time-critical project and it worked just fine. Now I'm on a 16F870, using a 20MHz CTS Reeves MXO45 1/2-can oscillator. Again w/o caps, testing my busy waits shows it to be very accurate (not a perfect test, but still). I'm wondering what the downside to this is. Anyone care to shed some light on the adv/disadv of doing this? I'm assuming the caps are for voltage stability? So in my final build I'll probably toss them in. But how necessary are they really? nick@veys.com | www.veys.com/nick -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu