I am using a Picstart programmer and have sucessfully programmed several PIC16LF627 parts with the same code and they all work in my application. I also have 2 PICs that won't accept the program that the others did. I remember a similar problem reported about a year ago to the PIClist where someone could not reprogram a PIC16F877. Jim Robertson of Newfound suggested setting the code protect to ON and then OFF again to clear the configuration bits. I tried this with the 627 but it won't work. I get the following message: "Program memory or EEPROM Data is protected. Reprogram the entire part." When I do that it fails with this error log ------------------------------------- PICSTART Plus Error Log File 05-Jun-2001, 15:44:42 Device Type: 16F627 Configuration Bits Errors Config Expected Received OSC INTRC CLKOUT LP WDT Off Off PUT Off On CP All All BODEN Disabled Disabled MCLRE Enabled Disabled LVP Disabled Disabled CPD Disabled Enabled -------------------------------- There are no errors in loading the program and its checksum is correct, just the config bits can't be changed. Anybody got a suggestion how to fix this? All of the parts were fresh from DigiKey and had not been programmed before. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu