Subject: Re: [OT]: True Cost of Nuclear Power >----- Original Message ----- >From: Scott Stephens >I accept the points in the rest of your message, I feel grades are a good >thing, but they are not the only measure of a person... ... > Getting a C in a good school is IMO often >better than getting an A in a second rate college too. No doubt. The grading policy has much more to do with it. Recently a proffessor (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, I forget) bemoaned that giving a student less than an A was a grievous insult, consequently half the class was getting A's. I don't care to comment on my experience! >Some of the sharpest people I know struggled to get a B and even have a >broader knowledge and understanding of the material than the A students >taking the same classes at the same school. But if you get rid of grades, exams, SAT's, what are you left with other than subjective human judgement? Judgement by, what, 7th and 8th generation inbred accademics?! Academics that have been believing their own lies, practicing 'political correctness', practicing neurotic self deception! What do you think more of that will buy us? I wish I were a historian (or got a better education, anyway!) so I could judge signs of the times better. I see more and more neurotic behavior, the kind of "Let them eat cake" thinking. Liberals more concerned with 'endangered' animals that people (an attitude which eventualy can easily destroy millions of animals, people and the environment!). Conservatives more concerned with letting California run out of power and profiting from stupidity (to silence whining, lying, partisan liberals) than they are with fixing problems before they occur. Nobody saw a power shortage and gasoline shortages comming! Oh no, there are powerfull political and business interests behind this. And 'we the people' are the LAST concern of our government! This is something out of Alice in Wonderland. How double standards are practiced, and different outcomes are expected.than the behavior that is modeled. Our neurotic government and academics are out of touch with reality. Solzhenitsyn wrote about a similar situation, a govenment out of touch with reality, and the unrealistic expectations of oppressed people. The Democrats will promise us cake (something the Republicans are learning to do, but cannot do because they can't pay the liberal media and liberal corporate interests as well). The Republicans blame lying Democrats when their promises fail and their corruption is exposed. And the American public are either fools, or victims of massive vote fraud with media complicity. There is an old joke, you write, "How do you keep an idiot busy? Turn this paper over to find out" on both sides of a card and hand it to your mark. How many times will the stupid public turn the card over while big corporations, the corporate owned media, and the government conspire to make us sharecroppers of the big corporations in OUR country! I live around Chicago. We give Boeing and Sears big tax breaks, lest they desert us! What would the mayor or govenor say if I were to say, "give me a tax break, or I will leave Illinois? I tell you, if I didn't caugh up my taxes, Cook County's finest would probably beat me to death in jail as is there custom on occasion! The cops that aren't with the FBI spying for the Russians, anyway. We work and pay our taxes, so the rich corporate oligarchs don't have to. The rich oligarchy don't need tax breaks, the IRS tax code is as tall as an encylopedia set to exempt them all! Everything the media feeds us are damned lies! I guess Orwell was right, as he states in Animal Farm "Some animals are more equal than others". Oh my, I'm ranting again. Sorry. Scott **************************************************************** Freedom is pursuing your carrot, not running from a stick. The mob only rules what its members are allowed to achieve. Democrats are the anvil, Republicans the Hammer, and we - the Piggy Bank **************************************************************** -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body