Dear David Thanks a lot for your attention Excuse-me if I'm wrong. I'm going to replace my L_CALL to FCALL macro like this and cheks that works. I didn't understude very well yet. Could you give some detail of this fcall macro. for example: fcall macro subroutine_name ;this will assume for all my fcall ? local here ;.... lcall subroutine_name ;.... pagesel here ;.... here: ;.... endm ;..... > If you have downloaded MPLAB from Microchip, you can run it and select ``Help | > MPLAB Assembler Help | Relocatable Objects | Paging and Banking Issues" for more > details on the difference between ``absolute code'' and ``relocatable code''. > > I think ``relocatable code'' is better for people starting to learn PIC assembly > language. I didn't find "Help | MPLAB Assembler help, just "Help | MPLAB help. My corrent version is 5.11.00 Best Regards Luis Fernando Antoniasse -- hint: To leave the PICList