robert a. moeser wrote: > at 9600 baud this means the master gets a character and has a > whopping 104 uS, or more, maybe, to do its next "thing" and send > another character to the PIC, which is, well, blind at the moment > because it is busy timing out a stop bit. > .... > it seems so simple, and i present it here as my big idea of the > day, or perhaps the decade, too proudly, i know, i know, but i have > never seen this proposed before and i'm fresh from the kill, full > of myself, so here goes: (italics!) > > in the software transmit function, time out the stop bit *first*. Rob: This also works to increase throughput to a standard Hitachi- controller LCD. Rather than waiting for the "busy" flag to clear AFTER sending each character or command, wait for it BEFORE sending the next one... That way, you can execute code while the display is busy. It works for writing to I2C EEPROMs, too, although it's sometimes a little more awkward than with LCDs. -Andrew === Andrew Warren --- === IPD Systems Engineering, CYSD === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation === === Opinions expressed above do not === necessarily represent those of === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation -- hint: To leave the PICList