>Project Idea :- Water Mixer Controller (Temperature) > Haha, how very funny. I developed this idea about 7 or 8 years ago. Lost interest due to many complications, most of which I don't even remember at this point. Was a great idea at the time... probably still is. I think at the time, availability of electronic solenoid valves for flow control were tough to find, and expensive. I think that was the main problem, along with installation or retrofit problems. It would be tough for the average user to install it behind his/her shower after the fact. Besides, people don't pay more than $20-$30 for a showerhead nowadays anyways, and this would certainly double or triple that figure, or even more for a commercially available product if you expect to many any money on it. People just don't want to pay that if they can just turn a knob and get "close" to what they want... for the 15 minutes they're in the shower, this is sufficient for most. Of course, there are people (like me) who would want complete control and a nice constant temperature throughout the entire shower cycle. But even I learned to live with tweaking the knob every 5 minutes or so if it cooled off. Good luck with it if you persue it. --Andrew _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu