> Hi, > > I know that i need a flyback diode connected across the motor in my PWM > Motor Drive > Circuitry, but i am having a few problems with the theory. > > I am writing my final year project report and am struggling for the theory > about the flyback > diode. > > If someone knowledgable has a little time to spare, could they please give > me a few lines of > theory to get me started. > > Thanks > > Graham Hi Graham, Might be a bit long-winded, but I look at it this way. A DC motor armature has some inductance. Inductance has the characteristic of trying to maintain a current flowing, that is if you try to change the current flowing in an inductor then the inductor produces a voltage to oppose this change. The energy required to do this is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor. The worst thing (or should that be most interesting thing) you can do to an inductor is try to interrupt a DC current flowing in an inductor by opening the circuit. The magnetic field releases it's stored energy to try and maintain the current flow, and as the circuit resistance is now very high (open circuit) the voltage produced is very high - check out Ohms law. Important to remember: This voltage is called a "back emf" because it is now in the reverse direction, but the current flow is in the SAME direction. Check out the diagrams in your text books to make sure this makes sense. Now consider the motor armature, for this purpose, as just an inductor. Flyback diode installed. In the "ON" phase of the PWM cycle the inductor "charges up" it's magnetic field and current rises following the typical charge curve. Flyback diode is reverse biased and has no effect. Now when the "OFF" phase of the PWM cycle comes along the inductor voltage is reversed, the instantaneous current that was flowing previously MUST continue to flow, and it does so through the now forward biased flyback diode. The current decays according to the losses in this loop, namely the resistance of the inductor and the voltage drop of the diode. Without the diode:- the inductance dumps it's energy by producing a large back emf that breaks something down somewhere and dissipates the energy. Just like the sparks you see on the brushes/ commutator in a DC motor. In a typical DC motor the inductance of the armature is much lower than that of the field winding (if it has a field winding). With PWM control the armature current is basically DC with what looks like a small triangle wave superimposed. This is the charge/discharge of the inductance during each PWM cycle. The bakc emf diode must be rated at the same current as the switching transistors. It needs to be fast, depends on the PWM frequency, to minimise switching losses. As discussed on the PIClist at other times, typical power diodes like 1N4007 devices are not suitable. Shottky power diodes are good because they are fast and have low voltage drop for lower power dissipation. To complement high current MOSFETs suitable diodes are hard to find, but a cheap option is to use another MOSFET just for it's inherent drain-source diode. Many MOSFET data sheets characterise the performance of this diode, need to check for specific part, but generally they are fast and match the current ratings of the MOSFET itself. Oops, did you say a few lines... Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile/text: 025 334 069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu