This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------C44596BE78F5E7E4A3E1C9AF Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jim Paul wrote: > All, > > My 2 cents worth.... > > What Milan says is all well and good up to the point where he talks about > cracked software and crack for software. I don't believe in cracking any > software. I wouldn't want anyone doing that to my software and I refuse > to do that to someone else. So please keep your cracked software out > of circulation. Better yet, don't crack it in the first place. You'll > feel > better if you don't. I dont crack it...I never do that..i also write software and all software i wrote are PUBLIC DOMAIN!, with source code !!!!!!, (no need to crack :) i just go to CD store, buy a 650megs of cracked software which do me a job... Piracy... e.g. I want to use Protel, OrCAD, ACCEL - doesnt matter what, but i cant register it - sanctions, money transfer, politic situation what? i need that software and i will use it... I agree, if i ever have that amount of money to register it, I WILL DO IT WITHOUT DOUBT!!!!!!! I dont want to spread software illegal! But also, i got a few email of people which befor acuse me to sell illegal software and after a few days called me and ask me "Can u please send me.." I just want to explain you situation here... All software writen here in YU i paied - not because i can have problem with law - I WANTED TO DO THAT! Please dont understand me wrong!... I do not present myself on that way, or want to make buissines sailing comercial software or carck for them for a few $.... here we have CD stores which do that, but i know that for a few years, THEY will be in trouble... I am just 19yrs old student of electrotehnical school - life is in front of me, so if now i start to make problems (with law, with authors of software etc..), who knows what else can hapen me... > > > Everything else he says I agree with. We can all contribute something to > someone at some point in time to make things better or easier for a > person to learn. I'm all for that. And I believe that's what this list is > all about. > > Regards, > > Jim Hope that now, people on this list will understand what i meen, that i am not here to spread a piracy, i just said HOW IT WORK HERE...Again, financial blockade, sanctions etc. for past 10years, done that...not fault of me, other PIC programmers, or electronic servicers etc... Just - thats situation... Best regards. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Milan Pavlica (YU7AEC) > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001 4:37 AM > Subject: Re: The value of a donation > > "Alexandre Domingos F. Souza" wrote: > > > Well people, let's talk about an interesting subject > > > > We that works with electronics, are used to "collect" junk. Every > kind of junk. Since components, to books and test equipment. Myself, have an > HP Oscilator (1MHz) stored in "the limbo" since I've built my function > generator. The act of Roman Black today of giving away an equipment for > someone who **really** needs it for free, should be remembered and followed > by us. Even the poorest man has something to give. Why not join forces > togheter, and help students and hobbysts from third world countries, to get > quality equipment and components? One 16F84 will be missed in your component > stock? This "one piece" may be all the diference for a third worlder. Milan > Pavlica remembered us today "...Dont need to remember on our 10yrs sanction > and a few wars...Poor enough :(", don't you think we SHOULD help? Will it > cost too much to us? Maybe that servian, croatian, yuguslavian friend would > LOVE to have an MAX038 to build a function generator? That 10MHz all-tube > scope that's used as a > > doorstep would be THE scope for someone that never could buy one. > > > > These are things we should think. Could be ourselves. I'm strange > to say, because I'm a poor third worlder. But think if you cannot get some > unused and forgotten thing, and give it away to someone that needs. That's > not a shame. That's an act of charity. > > This is very interesting idea. > Not because I am in bad (and all others in this and other countries) > situation it is interested because then we will know each other.. > Also, when Alexandre says that even the poorest man have something to give, > he was apsolutely in right! > I allways can offer to help somene with some advice or idea. Maybe to write > some oftware (or to send cracked version or crack for commercial > software...)...The best stuff we have here is knoweledge....and piracy, of > course.. > > Milan > > > > > > > -- > > hint: The list server can filter out subtopics > > (like ads or off topics) for you. See > > -- > hint: The PICList is archived three different > ways. See for details. --------------C44596BE78F5E7E4A3E1C9AF Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=koi8-r; name="mpavlica.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Milan Pavlica (YU7AEC) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mpavlica.vcf" begin:vcard n:Pavlica;Milan x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:SuperSonic Systems adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email;internet:mpavlica@ptt.yu title:Chief fn:Milan Pavlica end:vcard --------------C44596BE78F5E7E4A3E1C9AF-- -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.