> > Ok, so I have the clock coming in @ 4MHz, effectively 1MHz to the > processor. > > If I set the prescalar to 1 and assign it to the WDT I'll get a 1:1 > > prescalar and an interrupt every ~244us. > > 256uS actually. How on earth did you get 244us? Heh, been doing binary math for the past two weeks and my brain was stuck on Meg = 2^20 :) 10^6 is much easier and makes more sense, glad you guys corrected me on that one... > > Now I know that I can add to that > > value to speed it up so that's good, but my one problem with this is, I > > don't want to use the Watchdog timer... If I have it disabled but still > > assign the prescalar to the watchdog, will it be disabled? > > You really need to so some manual reading. Check out the section about > assigning the prescaler to the watchdog timer. What does it say, if > anything, about the assignment effecting whether the watchdog is > enabled or > not? Read the watchdog timer section. What if anything does it say about > the watchdog enable being effected by the prescaler assignment? Also read > the section on the configuration bits. If you still have questions after > doing this homework, I'll try to help. 16F84 manual doesn't even have the bit settings for the prescalars, I had to assume the values, although it was in the mid-range reference manual... It also says nothing about the watchdog timer being affected by the prescalar assignment, it's absolutely terrible in it's information actually... I don't ask until I've tried all other avenues :) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads