>Ok, so I have the clock coming in @ 4MHz, effectively 1MHz to the >processor. >If I set the prescalar to 1 and assign it to the WDT I'll get a 1:1 >prescalar and an interrupt every ~244us. Now I know that I can add to that Where are you getting these numbers (i.e. ~244us)? Like I said, the interrupt will occur every 256us at 4MHz. There's no approximation, no guesswork. It's 256us. 4Mhz/4 (quadrature) = 1MHz per cycle. 1/1,000,000 = 1us per cycle. TMR0 ranges from 0-255 (256 steps). 256*1us per cycle = 256us. >value to speed it up so that's good, but my one problem with this is, I >don't want to use the Watchdog timer... If I have it disabled but still >assign the prescalar to the watchdog, will it be disabled? The /only/ >interrupt I want is the tmr0 one. This is fine. If you disable the WDT, it's off. Doesn't matter what you assign to it for value, prescale, whatever. It's disabled. Check the datasheet... the 16F84 has a pretty decent datasheet if I remember correctly. --Andrew _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads