Scott F. Touchton wrote: > > You could do acoustic range finding, but objects may prohibit this. > > How about placing 2 low power transmitters in the room. Place a 4 antenna or > more (the more the better, and the more fun you can have with math!) whip array > on the robot. Multiplex the array into an FM receiver. When you "scan" through > the antennas you'll get a doppler shift as you "switch" towards and away from a > transmitter. This will give you a vector with a little number crunching... 2 > xmtrs give you 2 vectors (or 2 receivers if you do it the other way). 2 vectors > give you your position in the room. Another common way to handle this is to place IR "beacons" up on the walls in various places about the rooms. Uni robotics guys usually do this system. Then all you need on the mobile robot is a rotating sharp IR sensor module (like from a TV or $5 from many suppliers), and a small stepper motor to rotate it. This has a lot of advantages as the robot can compute position from triangulating the beacons very easily. Only full sunlight causes problems, most other problems like obstacles are no big deal as the IR tends to go around them and the bot can just work with the "fuzzy" vector for now until it's next move. A laser rengefinder is nice, but a commercial unit like the Sick brand costs many thousands of $$ and home made units are a lot of work. Unless someone knows a cheap source?? -Roman -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads