Hello, I am trying to implement a 512Kbyte external buffer using a 8bit parrallel memory device. However, I want to be able to control only the following for addressing the bytes in the RAM. 1. Clear Address Counter 2. Increment Address Counter 3. Decrement Address Counter I want to use only these three signals coming from a pic to control the addressing to the ram. However, I can seem to find any counters with this number of address lines. Does anyone have any suggestions for tackling this. The reason for this, is that I want to be able to read data from the ram in not more that 3 instruction cycles. Also, maybe someone can also give me some suggestions on how to have this ram accessable from two different pic devices. One pic will only write to the ram, while the other pic will only read from the ram. However, I will in reality have to of these 512Kbyte chips, configured in such a way that one pic can write to RAM of chip 1 while, at the same time the other Pic will be able to read from chip 2. The trick here is that the the data buses much be able to be released from each Pic or inserted. But never both Pics at the same time. I have been thinking about using a dual bus transciever for each RAM chip. Then use hardware logic to prevent simaltaneous access to the same chip by both controllers. If anyone any clever ideas on this or comments, you input would be greately appreciated. Regards, James -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads