Hey everyone, I posted a few months back about building an altimeter based on pressure and accelerometer data acquired by a PIC microcontroller and stored on an EEPROM chip. Some good points were brought to my attention, including the use of a resistor/capacitor oscillator as opposed to a crystal. Looking at my design now, I'm thinking I'd like to use a crystal because of its accuracy. Back when I first posted someone said the crystal may not hold to its frequency in flight because of the G's it will be subjected to. However, taking a look at commercial altimeters (like the R-DAS. pictures at http://www.fortunepaint.com/aerocon_interim/rdas.htm ) I notice that they often use crystal oscillators. Does this mean it's generally okay to use them without much frequency drift? Thanks, -Tony -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu