>I followed the following procedure > >1) select PIC16F876 from "development mode" menu >2) set platform as ICD debugger >3) open "Program Memory" >4) Clear Program memory >5) Import hex file to memory >6) connect to ICD >7) Program In my experience, as soon as you select the development mode (steps 1 and 2) you will get an error if the ICD isn't hooked up (because it gets power from the board-- maybe yours is different). You show connecting the ICD in step 6. I only say this because if it doesn't fail where I'd expect it to, then maybe it didn't go into ICD mode like you think it did. What does "doesn't work" mean? Seems to program but program doesn't work? Barry -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu