bool _stdcall X9241Write(unsigned char address, unsigned char instruction) { return I2CStart() && I2CTransmit(fullAddr) && I2CGetAck() && I2CTransmit(instruction) && I2CGetAck() && I2CStop(); } Boolean values are first class types. I really get bugged by: if (yadayada) b = true; else b = false; which I see in code of all sorts. What is wrong with: b = yadayada; As to the original question re: early returns froma function: I just had an argument of this yesterday with a colleague. Personally I use this technique all the time and have no problem with it. It just becomes one more 'idiom' in my bag of tricks. When working with my own code know there could be early exits, so I am not stung by them. Also, this more closely models the way we think above solving problems. On the other hand, when you're not expecting this it can be a _big_ pain. So I can understand those who think this is horrible style. Just an aside: This is less of problem, IMNHO, in C++ than in C. In C++ cleanup (destructors) still happen when you return early from a function. Bob Ammerman RAm Systems (contract development of high performance, high function, low-level software) -- hint: To leave the PICList