: Are there any solutions out there to connect a USB : port to a PIC micro, and communicate directly with : PIC-style RS232 (+5V / 0V). I don't mind a bit of : programming in VB or C++ to interface to the USB chip. Do you mean: 1. Connect a PIC16C765 to a USB host. 2. Connect something to the PIC serial port. 3. Boost the USB voltage to 5 volts to drive the PIC and Serial Port between 0 and 5 volts. 4. Send anything you send down the USB out the serial port. 5. Send anything that comes in the serial port up the USB. 6. Have an application on the host that sends and receives the data through the USB. If so, the answer is yes. : I am making a custom bootloader adaptor, with a 5-pin : telephone adaptor to connect to the end product (just : like on an MPLab-ICD). This means I can unplug the : MPLab-ICD telephone wire, plug in my bootloader, and : get 5V power, and +5V PIC-based RS232 comms. : USB supplies 3.3V, so it would be cool to bump it up : to 5V (the memory chip in my circuit needs 5V). I'm not sure what you ment by the last two paragraphs. USB doesn't supply 3.3 volts. It supplies somewhere between ~3.8 and ~4.5 volts, but you could use a boost circuit to go from that to 5 volts. You would need to be able to plug into the USB and not draw more than 100 ma until it enumerates you. After that, you could draw up to 500 ma. Marc Reinig System Solutions -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics