Hi John, I see this request often enough that I feel like I should write a little set of directions for doing this. In terms of a "quick" version of doing this in VB 6.0, you should follow the steps: 1. To add the "MSComm" to the Form Toolbar, Click on "Projects" and then "Components". Click on the square box to "Microsoft Comm Control 6.0" followed by "Apply" and then "Close". This will put the (invisible) Comm Control (a "telephone") on the toolbar. 2. Click on and place the telephone control onto your Form. This control is invisible, so you can put it anywhere. The control will come up as "MSComm1". 3. Set your initial operating parameters. For working with most applications, I set the following properties for the MSComm control: CommPort - "COM#" Serial Port Number to be used InputLen = 0 - This means that if you use the "OnComm" event, you will be flagged after each character input InputMode = 1 - "comInputModeBinary" to read in full binary data. Settings = "((#)#)###,n,8,1" where "((#)#)###" is the data speed you are communicating with the PICmicro 4. Add the following subroutines to your application: Private Sub SerPortOpen(OnOff As Integer) ' Open the Serial Port if "OnOff" is <> 0 ' Else, Close the Serial Port If (OnOff = 0) Then MSComm1.PortOpen = False Else MSComm1.PortOpen = True End If End Sub Private Sub SerPortSend(Data As String) ' Send the "Data" string out of the Serial Port MSComm1.Output = Data End Sub Private Function SerPortRead() As String ' Poll the Serial Port and if something is available return it, ' Else, return a Null String SerPortRead = "" If (MSComm1.InBufferCount <> 0) Then SerPortRead = MSComm1.Input End If End Function These are about the most basic subroutines you can have for serial interfacing in VB. I recommend that in your "Form_Load" subroutine, put in the line: call SerPortOpen(1) ' Open the Serial Port and, at the end of the application, always put in: call SerPortOpen(0) ' Close the Serial Port 5. You can use SerPortRead and SerPortSend in your application to send and receive data to the PICmicro one byte at a time. 6. The other MSComm properties (namely "DTREnable", "Handshaking", "InBufferSize", "NullDiscard", "OutBufferSize", "RThreshold", "RTSEnable" and "SThreshold") can be changed as required. Comments? myke ----- Original Message ----- From: "john" To: Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:25 PM Subject: [EE]:Visual Basic serial interface > Hi, > Im using a 16C71 to send data through a serial port to my PC (analog > readings) and I want to use VB 6.0 to graphically represent the data. > Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. > > -- > http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList > mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu > > > -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu