Hi all, For those that might be interested, the complete Pocket project is available for download. Supplied Files... pocket.zap - ROMzap project file which sets up the chip for operation and creates a bootloader file to match. pocket.asm - The source code for the bootloader created by ROMzap. pocket.hex- The assembled boot loader file Tpocket.asm - The source code for the pocket project. This is made compatable with ROMzap by making sure that the first 3 ROM location and the last ROM 256 ROM locations are free. Details are listed in the source code. Tpocket.hex - The assembled pocket code pocket.exe - Tool kit companion for the PC. This must be used when asked for by the pocket programmer. Communications take place over the PC serial port at 19200 baud. chipdat.txt - Text file containing the user chip data used by the pocket programmer. pocket.msg - Text file containing the messages used by the menu system. pocket.hlp - The help file for the pocket.exe program pocket.pdf - A PDF file that explains how to construct the pocket programmer. picpokc.sch and picpokc.pcb are Protel files of the circuit and PCB design. The download is zipped and is about 1.4Meg http://www.picnpoke.com/pocket/pocket.html I hope it is useful for some :-) -- Best regards Tony mICro's http://www.picnpoke.com mailto:sales@picnpoke.com -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body