Jose, I am having difficulty understanding why you don't have enough information to complete the project. Aside from previous documentation I have forwarded to you, the Radiometrix site has ample information regarding the use of their devices. If someone else supplies you finished assembly code, what is it that you have contributed to the project or learnt for your study ? The object of the exercise is surely your learning and the way I see it, hands on trial and error is an excellent way of obtaining that. I personally have learnt far more from my failures than successes. It may be beneficial to split the project and first learn how to write code for the controller and then learn what the hardware must do to support communications. It sounds as though a simpler initial project would help you grasp the fundamentals. I encourage you to persist in acquiring your understanding of the principles rather than pleading for a quick fix. This is not meant to be harsh or over critical in any way, just realistic and I hope beneficial to you. Regards David Huisman -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.