Hello, CCS makes a lot of overhead when using an interupt, like: #INT_RTCC void interrupt(void) { // put your routine here } But you can use the #INT_GLOBAL that doesn't make all that overhead. It only cares about the RETFIE instruction. Now, how can I do the context saving in CCS using minimal assembly commands? #INT_GLOBAL void interrupt(void) { // saving W, STATUS, do_i_need_to_save_anything_else? // put your routine here // restoring W, STATUS, do_i_need_to_restore_anything_else? } Thanks, Brusque ----------------------------------- Edson Brusque Research and Development C.I.Tronics Lighting Designers Ltda (47) 323-2685 / (47) 9993-6453 Blumenau - SC - Brazil www.citronics.com.br ----------------------------------- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.