Do you know if you are running a 16 bit or 32 bit version of VB? I am not sure if this will help you, but I have an app that I am modifying done in VB3 (i.e. 16 bit only). I have not been able to find a Crystal Reports version, but it does say the MSJet DLL files appear to be version 110 as part of the DLL name, i.e. MSAJT110.DLL and MSAES110.DLL. This may give you a pointer to version number. However further browsing of the Office Developers CD that is part of the VB3 Professional Kit I have seems to indicate that Microsoft Jet 1.1 is the normal release, and on the Developers CD is the files for the Jet 2 engine, so it may be VB3 that the application is written in. If you really needed to get at the source code there is a decompiler out on the web for VB3, called DoDi. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.