Hi all Sorry, I didn't give enough info when I first posted the question. The chip is an F876. I can't use capture ports. One - I need one for a PWM output, and two - the times I'm measuring are way too long, sometimes two or three seconds. Actually it deosn't have to be a 'time' as such, like in seconds, rather just a number which represents a period. Hence I just count 'periods' which are derived from timer interrupts. I'm in the proces now of trying the RB0 interrupt, with diodes to two other inputs, which seems to be OK. On interrupt, first thing is disable gie. Then poll each of the two inputs for the signal, then act on which one it is, then re-enable gie. Yes... I might get a conflict now and again, like the second interrupt comes along while I'm servicing the first one, but with the slow periods I'm dealing with, it most likley won't happen often, and if it does, it'll only be a glitch which won't be a problem either. However, after all that, I must seek more knowledge about capture and compare, as it may be usefull later on, and I know absolutely nothing about the function - in fact, I'm not sure what it actually means - yet! Regards Howard -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics