Hi, I need some help with some simple assembly. The code are provided below. My questions are - 1. I connect the pin RB1 directly to a LED and the RBO/INT to the ground. I then switch on the power. The LED does not light up until the RB0/INT pin is switch to Vcc ( interrupt occurs ). This is correct. Now, I switch the RB0/INT back to ground and reset the power supply. The moment i reconnect the supply, the LED lights up eventhough no interrupt occurs. Why is that so? I found that if i disconnect the supply for a longer period of time, then the operation is correct. Does it have something to do with discharging? 2. I configure RBO/INT as an interrupt pin and found that when i connect this pin to an LED, it lights up. I use a meter to measure the output voltage of the pin and it produce a reading of 1.5V - 2.0V. Why is this so? Is there a need to put some form of buffers or diodes on the respective input/output lines? Can anyone provide some advice on interfacing the i/o pins of PIC with other analog/digital circuits? Thanks for any advice. org 0 goto MAIN org 4 ; Interrupt Service Routine goto INTSER MAIN bank1 movlw B'00000000' movwf TRISA movlw B'00011101' movwf TRISB bank0 clrf PORTA clrf PORTB bank1 bcf OPTREG,RBPU bsf OPTREG,INTEDG bcf INTCON,INTF bsf INTCON,INTE bsf INTCON,GIE LOOP sleep ; let IRQ wake it up and determine functions nop nop nop goto LOOP ; Only RB0/INT is considered, other interrupts are disabled. INTSER movwf w_temp swapf STATUS,W movwf status_temp bcf INTCON,INTF bank0 bsf PORTB,1 ;bring the phone off hook ENDINT swapf status_temp,W movwf STATUS swapf w_temp,F swapf w_temp,W retfie END _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads