Hi This is my first PIC project - the code was written by someone else and I'm just trying to duplicate it. The hex code POLAR.HEX is posted on a web page at http://www.qsl.net/ke4hor/polar.htm . It is for a really neat radio direction finding (RDF) system which can also be used to display the directional pattern of a beam antenna. I obtained the un-commented assembler code via MPLAB from the posted hex code. The 12c671 I m using has the wrong oscillator calibration value at 03ff. The original program makes no provision for re-programming the value of OSCCAL when programming an erased 671. The program outputs the A/D values to another program, POLAR.EXE, via RS232 (I think). Viewing the A/D output on a scope shows the values changing as the dc inputs are varied so it appears that the 671 program is working. However, no communication between the two programs results, not even any garbage characters. I wonder if the timing is thrown off enough so that the receiving program does not recognize the characters. I have tried several baud rates. Therefore, I need to modify the hex or asm code to include a routine to program the correct calibration value into the OSCCAL register. The initial code for the program begins at 0000h and is listed below - I hope its readable. (The MPLAB disassembler prefixes memory locations with "ad". ; ORG 0000h ; MOVLW 0x00 ;original code MOVWF PCLATH GOTO ad007F ; The program code ends with the following: ad00CE CLRF 0x24 BSF STATUS,RP0 BCF GPIO,3 ; ??? RAM Page TRISIO,3 BCF STATUS,RP0 BCF GPIO,3 ; ??? RAM Page TRISIO,3 ; ad00D3 GOTO ad0094 ; SLEEP ; (This is apparently never called) ; ORG 03FFh ; RETLW 0x88 ; (This is not the correct value for my 671) Will the following patch work or is there a better way? Thanks in advance. Jess 0000 GOTO 00D6 . . . 00D6 CLRF GPIO ;not sure if this is required CALL 0X3FF ; RETLW with OSCCAL at 0x03FF BSF STATUS,RP0 ;BANK 1 MOVWF OSCCAL BCF STATUS,RP0 ;BANK 0 ; MOVLW 0x00 ;relocated original code from 0000h starts here MOVWF PCLATH GOTO 007Fh ;Go continue with remainder of program ; ORG 03FFh RETLW 0x40 ;The correct calibration value -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.