Ray: Having just read your email, I get the urge to try to give you exactly what you asked for. But then reality sets in: it is mid-week, at work, have plenty on my plate already AND what good would it really do you? Rather than starting with the finished product, I feel you should try to get used to the tools and the technology first - then add to it as you become more capable. We'd all be happy to help, and it makes it easier on us (and you) if it is done incrementally. On the old/dumb point: I am fascinated by technology. I really get off learning how something works or how some difficult problem was solved. But at the same time I frequently get depressed when I see how quickly someone else created a mountain of code and/or complex circuitry compared to what I think I could have accomplished in the same timeframe. I end up feeling dumb/slow, etc... But I have two things going for me: curiosity and tenacity. As I said, I really enjoy learning the 'how' AND once I sink my teeth into something I will pour it on until either it works or I've learned enough to change the approach. So, while compared to many on this list I'd probably rate as a "mental midget," I still manage to be productive enough for my needs and the needs of my employer. Bottom line, if I can do it so can you. It just takes interest (curiosity) and desire&determination (tenacity)! I 100% agree with the many posts pointing out that you should start small. Get the old blinking LED working. Then move on to bigger stuff as you gain confidence. In fact this is how most of the projects I work on are done, broken down into smaller/simpler & more manageable pieces. When you get the pieces working independently then you try to bring them together in sections. This greatly simplifies debugging - if you _KNOW_ the pieces worked separately then you can focus on the interactions between them to figure out what is wrong (or what broke what). A simple thing like an LED on an output can also help with debugging as it can let you know where in code it is. You could flash certain patterns/rates (or just flash period!), etc. It is amazing how much something like this can help when dealing with this stuff - especially when you don't have an in circuit debugger/emulator and therefore almost no idea what is currently happening inside the chip when it isn't working. I didn't see any mention in your post about a programmer (or downloader) for your device. I am using PIC16F876 and PIC16F877 that can be programmed (in circuit - like your 'F84!) with a simple programmer I built with Radio Shack parts from a design off the web. (Also occasionally use the older PIC16C71). Most of the PIC16F87x programmers are actually designs used for the PIC16F84, so you should be able to make your own if you don't/can't purchase one. Unless you are using a Microchip programmer, you will probably need to obtain software to download the assembled code from MPLAB into the device. There are several freely available - many authored by piclist members. One of the programmers I'm using (software and hardware design schematic) from this site: http://jaichi.virtualave.net/pic16f8xx-e.htm Also I picked up Microchips ICD for the PIC16F87x family, it integrates into MPLAB allowing you to code/assemble/program/debug/code/assemble/program/debug... all within the MPLAB (moves from the simulator to your circuit - check program flow, register contents, can even read/write i/o pins directly!). You can get it from DIGI-KEY for $99 or buy a version from Professor Anderson for $89 (his version does not come with samples whereas the others come with one 'F877 and one 'F876). Though Prof. Andersons comes with an adapter that you'll need to purchase seperately (from Radio Shack, etc.) if you choose Microchips/Digi-keys version (to go from 6 pin modular plug to screw terminals to connect to your device). Look here: www.digikey.com http://search2.microchip.com/icdpromo/index.htm http://www.phanderson.com/icd/index.html Keep the faith and keep posting as you try different things. We're all mortal. (And search the piclist for ideas: http://www.piclist.com/techref/query.asp ) All the Best to you. Bruce. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body