> I wanted to implement a quick and dirty way of refreshing a page = generated from a CGI script. > It's quite easy to do it the dirty way, with the As I have "written out" the META tag via CGI, I don't have a specific = URL to refresh "back to." >=20 > The page can be manually refeshed via a submit button; is there a way = of embedded the "submit" into the meta tag so that the refresh pretends = that the > submit button is being pressed? > Is it as easy as just specifying the Perl/CGI script that would be = normally called on the submit? How about entering the cgi script in the refresh? You can sepcify = parameters on the command line (which would be the same as the = parameters received for the first call in your case). For instance, = lets assume you received a name parameter and I entered Steve... you = could write out the refresh tag with the folloring url: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/somescript?name=3Dsteve There are other conversions necessary to escape spaces and other special = characters... but that's a start... look up CGI on the net to get more = info on the character escapes, sending multiple parameters, etc. Steve ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steven J. Devine, President, Consultant, TZOGON Enterprises Incorporated President, EAA Chapter 136 (LWM/Merrimac Valley) steve@tzogon.com HAM Tech lic: N1YZJ http://www.tzogon.com http://www.tzogon.com/~steve/glass_cockpit http://www.tzogon.com/~steve/stolch801 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.