Have any of you had success building your own ICD for the Pic16F87x that works with MPLAB (or even one that doesn't)? I've been poking around a bit, and I am no closer now than when I started - and a lot less enthusiastic. There is some info contained in the piclist archive, but nothing that shows a successful attempt at it, mostly bits and pieces or quotes from elsewhere. I did find the d877.hex disassembly - thank you very much: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/16f877/xicd.htm And the MPLAB-ICD Module Schematics: http://www.microchip.com/Download/Tools/PICmicro/ICDS/MPLABICD/etn21d.pdf Problem is that Pic16lf876 (U1) is not the target for development, it is a controller/interface acting as a go-between with the PC and the target device: Therefore, to make a device that worked with MPLAB, we need to know the contents of U1. I haven't bothered Microchip yet, I doubt they'd be sympathetic. The early bits and pieces I found seemed to imply that this was a reasonable project. But it now appears much more reasonable to simply purchase Microchips package. Wondering what your experiences have been like. Bruce. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu