> The shuttle engines are ammonium perchlorate, aluminum, and a binder, which > is what the Aerotech reloads are made from. Not black powder. The failure > was due to a rubber O-Ring that lost it's flexibility in the low temperatures. > The solid rocket boosters are ammonium perchlorate, aluminum and binder. The failure was due to a combination of poor judgement on managment's parts, and bad luck. The O-Ring was not rated for use at that low of a temperature. There was ice on the shuttle that day. Several people advised against a launch attempt. Management decided to go anyway. This happens all the time, for a variety of reasons. It is still going on today. There were at least 4 counts that I know of in the last 12 months that were recommended against. (Usually for low probability of acceptable weather.) One was a successful launch. That's what they pay the guys for, to make the go/no-go call on the launch attempts. They almost always try, and they frequently get away with it. One time they didn't. Actually they fail to get away with it all the time, its just that it usually doesn't result in quite so press coverage. James Womack Sr's first launch as director of expendable vehicles was a real disaster. He is the father of a hunting buddy of mine, and he had been working on the manned side for many years. On the expendable side the rules a lot different because the payload is owned by a company interested in getting it in orbit and on line to get the revenue stream going. They have a whole lot more say in when an attempt is made and when you scrub. This results in different language being used when you get weather advisories. The time of launch approached, James asked for a call on the weather, which was dicy at best, and the weather advisor told him that it was go if James desired, meaning if the customer wanted to risk it, it was his payload. James was used to manned weather reports. They launched, the bird blew up and a grand time was had by all. Back to the bad luck bit. Few people know it, but the SRB nozzles were slewwed over, trying to compensate for the side thrust from the leak at the field joint. (The SRB's are actually sections because you can't cast that much propellant in one go. The sections are then pinned together and a metal band hold the pins in place. The result is called a field joint.) They kept the shuttle on track, leak and all. If that leak had developed on a slightly different section of the O-Ring, the flame would have jetted out into space, never would have burned through the external tank, and only a few of us space workers would have ever known about it. 30 degrees of danger and we ended up unlucky. Wynn Rostek Former Shuttle Worker CBEP (SRB Power Distribution and Control) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.